Saturday, February 6, 2021

Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.

 "Heal yourself - your physical and spiritual bodies. Regenerate yourself with light, and then help those who have poverty of the soul. Return to the inner spirit, which we have abandoned while looking elsewhere for happiness."-- Willaru Huayta, QUECHUA NATION, PERU.Proud of you beautiful...keep shining.NOTICE SORRY, YESTERDAY WAS THE DEADLINE FOR ALL COMPLAINTS.'White Privilege Ended in 1964-Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.

Oh Yeah Coolaid GIF

 Ready to fill in the blanks.needing help for a friend who’s trying to collect and claim a tax overage . Friends name, property,location, things like that.Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.Purple Rain, Songs Played, Here And Now, Around The World.Theory of Everything And let love inspire you. In The Dark,Leader Of Band. Frogs, Fools, Freaks 2.

 Heads Above The Common, Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Voices In My Head. Good times, history to note,not news today. 

Inline image

When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.' Oh hi there. But it's back to reality today.Leader Of The Chan, Heads Above The Common, Angel In The Air, Castles In The Sky,Lions To Roar, Faces In The Crowds. Earth Angel, Sinner,Saint, Ships Of Dreams.
The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we   can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not   need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.Lions To Roar, Faces In The Crowds. Earth Angel, Sinner,Saint, Ships Of Dreams.

Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to the USA. Earth angels, angels in hosts, lights to shine, joy, peace and happiness, hands to hold. Glory dazes to come.
BACK IN TIME, COINS TO FLIP.Rites, reasons, seasons of lovers, suckers, whales on land, faces of frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. Leaders of cows, crooks, cheaters. Lions To Roar, Faces In The Crowds. Earth Angel, Sinner,Saint, Ships Of Dreams.
http://DANCESINTHELIGHTOFTHEMOONGOODANGELS.BLOGSPOT.COM. The journey is what brings us happiness. Not the destination. Enjoy the journey.

Wits and wisdom walk in the park, battles and wars, lovers in the walks of life. Good times, Marines and babbles of freaks, devil mad dogs, tricks with a gun, rats to races, gifts of life to share, over time, over space, pages to turn.Lions To Roar, Faces In The Crowds. Earth Angel, Sinner,Saint, Ships Of Dreams.

Rats To Races.Should Have:⁠‭‪‌Manhood. Love friends forever., ashes to ashes, bones in a box, sad day for the clans gather at the graves of the dead and lifeless,Hell hounds here on earth, gifts from the center of the earth, gifts from the fake friends, lies for the truth and hones...

Heads Above The Common, Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Voices In My Head. Good times, history to note,not news today. Over the decades.Tips and tails, mice and men, boys and girls smiles and laughter. Good classic cartoon hits, cartoon network, boys next door, gifts to share.

May be an image of map

Heads Above The Common, Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Voices In My Head. Good times, history to note,not news today. Lions To Roar, Faces In The Crowds. Earth Angel, Sinner,Saint, Ships Of Dreams.

Rainbows to cross, pots of herbs, pots of goals, pots of frogs, ready for the fires. Dances for the lucky breaks, the winds in the tree, notes from the dead. Prayers & Prophecies.In like Flynn,Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides.

Fairy tales .THX! Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues:Graduated from Chapman University. Purple Rain: Dances For Luck, Love,Lessons: Daily. Holidays ...Ready for the Manners Series: Manners For Millions- Kissed a frog. Hater, sucker for free rides.

DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'Fat And Wide,whatever” I mean fuck you.Cheap Tricks, Jewish Wales: Steven Jarrot, added, Hello beautiful. You want to trade fun for party favor? 58 this year, stuck on age, freaks, frogs, fools. Nice guy 48 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267

 Life is like a camera; focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negative and if it goes wrong. Take another shot.Some people no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty. They move it from their faces into their hearts.

A TWISTED PROPHECY Life Is A Beach: Remember The Time . Money lost, nothing lost. Courage lost, everything lost.- Yiddish Proverb.It's not only important to add years to your life but to life to your years.Hard to say, spring to summer,sons to shine, gems, and needles..Thank the Great Spirit: Tales In The Woods.Hades and Persephone..My Future in the Media World:ON THE RUN..BLACK LIVES MATTER

Rachel Jarrot, hats and wigs worn, to hide the horns, goats and sheep, donkeys…

Rachel Jarrot, hats and wigs worn, to hide the horns, goats and sheep, donkeys…

Practice problems to share, classes on the shores of time and space. Happy notes taken on frogs and freaks. Hazes of lies from land whales Leaving the snakes to bake and burn.DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'Fat And Wide,whatever” I mean fuck you.Rachel Jarrot, hats and wigs worn, to hide the horns, goats and sheep, donkeys and sluts ride for free. Tricks and trades done, movies to make, of all the… - 

Joy to the world, joy in the morning lights, eyes open wide, hats and horns to blast, what a wonderful day it is. Happy birthday, and Merry Christmas, to all, heads to count, winners, losers, and learners, coins to flip, names to change, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides.

That's My Girl: Love, lights, lessons on the beach, good times, hands in the air. Chicks, babes, bitches with five stars, lights to shine, dances in the cartoons, hits and misses, rabbits to date, ducks to water, pigs and hogs to fly.The point is not that one cannot care about both.
Fake friends not needed had a period of five years in hell, camping in a RV of courses, just for a life style of sex and drugs and a way back to doctors, 100% and caretaker stole money, cars, and scooters that I paid for from me, my mind is out to lunch or out in space most of the time, does not matter to me as much as other people. Hope that help you understand some of the things I have sent to you by email. It is kind of nice without the faces in the beginning. Most do not get that far, short attention spans, and self serving to be friends.

Ants or acts of kindness gives me my joy in the morning, and peace in the evenings, and I look for people like that always. I do massages for trade, wanted to go back to school for that also, got the books instead, also belly dance, and can do 9 formal dances, like to move to the sound of the music. Prefer music without words most of the time, 15 century music is great, with the masters.

Hope that help, it was good to let it out, have so much work to do, and have been finding the people that I need to network with, prefer men over 6 feet tall, just because have been there done that was the men not quite as tall. Different page, different day, better results is the desired outcome.
Starrs Bright tonight, hope hopping searching for wishes, dreams, prayers, and hope for new days tomorrow for the growth and the lessons, or blessings are better.Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.

Blue Oceans, Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts, Pages Turned.Rachel Jarrot. 9096251371.Poker players, lovers for lost time, dances in darkness, playing with snakes, games to blame, still in place. Classes of dogs, classes of dicks, classes of bitches to play, songs to sing, how to turn the pages, tales of how to get back up, dances in drama, movies to make.
Lives on the line, history online, take the time, lost for a minute. Songs of veterans, songs of black chicks, sisters of mine, faces in the mirror, over time and space, dances in the dark, good times, tales left.Blue Oceans, Blue Birds And Bees, New Lives Starts, Pages Turned.Rachel Jarrot. 9096251371.

What beef? words, in waves, pigs, hogs, hoes, faces in the herd. Sheep And Goats, Dances With Wolves.3 .Golden Calf.Girl of Day Rachel Jarrot, dances on pole, freak and frogs, slut and dimes, dances all night, pimp to call daddy, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, party and play, dances on the sands of time - Misty Stone - American actress and model. Role model, or not, parts to act: for Rach Jay, Rachel, Sheri and Sima Now, you said you live in Corona, well, me too@! Are we going …
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American dreamers, Cali surfers, faces of freaks, frogs, friends, family affairs, all relate, the ones with red blood.Are you lonely and can host ....Duncan Joseph McNeil 3rd.
American dreamers, Cali surfers, faces of freaks, frogs, friends, family affairs, all relate, the ones with red blood.Are you lonely and can host ....Duncan Joseph McNeil 3rd.
Dicks, dawgs, faces in shadows, good time frogs, dry drunks, heads to count . American dreamers, Cali surfers, faces of freaks, fr...

Time to spare. Dimes To Drop, Views, Voices, Values, Cons And Pros. Once long ago, found a snake and kept him, forgot about the fangs. Big mistake, tips to share the bumps in the road when traveling with a snake in the house.

Happy birthday, and Merry Christmas, to all, heads to count, winners, losers, and learners, coins to flip, names to change, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides.Normal, main steam, or just a group of white people doing the white things that count in the long run, at the end of the day the houses, cars, condos, wigs and hair caps, what do you work, run, drives you daily, love, peace and happiness.

Men, Mice, Monsters, Faces In Shadows, Under The Sands, Gems To Find.

Tall, educated ,fun ,clean, happy, and need a friend? Let’s be friends, maybe more?How tall, what age, located where, retired or not, house on the block, 420 connected, or friendly, questions between us now.All gone... Thank you We are outgrowing things we barely used... 

Good morning. You have allot of cool things in your brain. I'm 6-1, 185p, redhead. Just turned 50yr. By the way are a woman?Black lady, babe, chick, girl next door, you are not what I am looking for, cheers, chaps, happy friday, make it a blast. Over, and out...All gone... Thank you We are outgrowing things we barely used... 

"Heal yourself - your physical and spiritual bodies. Regenerate yourself with light, and then help those who have poverty of the soul. Return to the inner spirit, which we have abandoned while looking elsewhere for happiness."-- Willaru Huayta, QUECHUA NATION, PERU.

You are refreshing and I love the flow about you. A Hug, a kiss, a touch, I'm engulfed with sense's spinning out of control and I to want to dance in the street, Care to dance (wink)?Apache, After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.

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Pulp Science Fiction,Let's throw together a group of writers and publish some cheezy sci-fi.